Monday, October 31, 2022

Windsor Castle, one still dead!

Windsor Castle, one still dead!

the news is of the last hour and comes directly from the royal castle.

in the early hours of the morning the news of another bereavement was given.

this time it does not seem to have been an announced death.

rumors had been circulating for some time that he could be the prosimo after the death of Philip and then of Elizabeth.

while for the now elderly couple the imminent news of their demise was expected, this time the news surprised and shocked the whole local community of Windsor.

official communication is awaited from the palace and only then will the name of the next deceased be known.

anonymous rumors suggest that this time it is a bipedal being of modest size around 2 kg in weight.

the macabre news is that he will not be buried but will be eaten as the last will of the deceased.

it is not yet known who will proceed with this wish but anonymous sources say that it will be a family member who will proceed.

we will update the news as we have more details.


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