Tuesday, November 1, 2022

The White House in Lockdown - Joe did it again!


The White House in Lockdown - Joe did it again!

the news is a few minutes ago, the White House is in Lockdown.

it is learned from anonymous sources that the secret services in the White House found some of their agents unconscious along the corridors of the house.

there is still no clear news of what happened.

at the moment it is known that the President was at home with the first lady and that both have been secured.

The FBI special team is examining the entire facility, agents found unconscious in the house have been taken to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, their condition does not appear to be serious.

from an initial investigation carried out on site it seems that everything started from the president's private apartment on the second floor of the White House.

it would be a toxic but non-lethal cloud released in private rooms, perhaps in the bedroom or bathroom.

but the most disconcerting thing was that he emitted this toxic cloud, yes him, Joe.

unfortunately it is not the first time that a news has our Joe as its protagonist.

increasingly clear sources report how early in the morning Joe has a habit of doing a lot of farts.

and this morning the farts made by him have spread throughout the White House to the point of intoxicating the Secret Service agents who are guarding the house.

the president's wife despite living in close contact with him does not seem to have been involved, because she is now used to such toxicity in the air.

the White House will be reopened as soon as the agents confirm what is already known.

in the afternoon the President will go to the hospital to visit the hospitalized officers.

that's all for now.

The White House - Washington D.C.

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